Student Life


Service is one of the core values of PROMISE – AN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL and consequently, students will be expected to participate in serving the local community in age-appropriate ways as part of school life and personal character development.


Music education forms part of the curriculum in the primary classroom, and  instrumental tuition is offered for students as an optional (paid) extra across all phases. Specific instruments (and/or voice training) in which tuition is available is dependent on availability of professional music tutors.

Music can be offered as a subject for students studying in the IGCSE and Advanced Level Years.


Sport and Physical Education are integral to the curriculum and are an important component and consideration in the education of the whole child.

Friendly competitive sporting matches and events are organised both within the school and in an inter-school setting.


Drama is considered an integral part of curriculum in the primary classroom, and there are plentiful opportunities for students to participate in dramatic activities in the week-to-week activities and periodic events in the school calendar. Drama clubs allow for students to be involved in dramatic productions and presentations outside of school class time.

Drama is offered as a subject choice at IGCSE level and may be offered at AS Level depending on demand.


Information Technology is integrated with the curriculum in the Primary Years.  Information & Communication Technology (ICT) and Computer Science may be studied as an elective subject for the IGCSE examinations, and Information Technology and Computer Science are expected to be available for study as elective courses at AS level.