Within each year group, children study thematically. Engaging children in areas of interest we call "Topics of Enquiry" allows us to carefully weave subject strands and objectives together to create immersive and interconnected units of learning. Curriculum areas include Literacy, Mathematics, Korean, Myanmar, Computing, Science, History, Physical Education, Geography, Music, Drama, Citizenship, Art, Design and Technology. Four units are studied during each academic year.
PAIS Foundation 1 & 2 education offers children one year of non-compulsory education. Children learn at their own pace through a breadth of learning experiences and challenging play activities in a stimulating environment.
Years 1 and 2 make up KeyStage 1. Children build on the learning experiences that they bring to school from home and/or pre-school. They learn through well-planned, challenging play that develops their interests, curiosity and creativity.
Key Stage 2 builds on Key Stage 1 experiences.
As children progress through these stages, they move from informal to more formal learning.